Lycée Louis Massignon

Lycée Louis Massignon is one of two French language schools in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. It was established in 1972 as the Ecole des Sociétés Françaises and grew out of an initiative of the Société des Pétroles. In 1982, the school was renamed in honour of Louis Massignon, a noted French scholar of Islam. From 1992, it has been managed by l’Agence pour l’Enseignement Français à l’Etranger (AEFE), the agency within the French Foreign Ministry charged with overseeing French language education abroad.

The Lycee's structure and curriculum are based on the French educational system. It comprises the "Primaire" (essentially kindergarten ("Petite section") through fifth grade ("Cours moyen deuxième année" or "CM2")), the Collège and the Lycée, essentially sixth grade ("Sixieme") through twelfth grade ("Terminale" or "Tle").

In 2006 the school had approximately 1,100 students, mostly from France, Lebanon, Morocco, and the UAE. Instruction is almost entirely in French; Arabic language classes are compulsory and English is taught from 2nd grade.


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